Dataloy Distance Table

The Dataloy Distance Table is a simple, yet powerful, tool for calculating sailing routes and distances. The sailing route is presented graphically, based on an analysis of all possible routing options.

Extensive and accurate

The Dataloy Distance Table is highly acclaimed for its extensiveness and accuracy. The database currently holds more than 7,200 ports and maritime locations, and more than 69,000 waypoints contribute to the accuracy of the calculation.

The number of waypoints is vital to the accuracy of the calculation.
Always up-to-date

As a result of our efforts to make the distance table available to non-commercial as well as professional users, the Dataloy Distance Table now has thousands of users worldwide. These users provide valuable feedback on new ports and other changes, enabling us to keep the data up-to-date. The database is updated on a daily basis.

For more info about Dataloy please visit our main website at
